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Coach Amanda


February 20, 2025

FRIDAY 02/21/2025

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to our community ruck with Process Physical Therapy—it was an awesome opportunity to connect and push ourselves together! As we gear up for start of the CrossFit ATP Showdown in just a few short weeks, let's keep that momentum going and give it our all in our workouts this week. Showing up consistently, even on the tough days, is what drives progress, and we’re proud of everyone for doing just that. Keep it up, and let’s make this week one to remember! Keep getting in that double under practice every week day and log it in your CrossFit ATP app.

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1 - 3 PM (NEW SUNDAY OPEN GYM TIMES)

Committed Club Month 7- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!


CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. ( Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.

  • February 28th
  • March 7th
  • March 14th

Saturday 3/1/25 after the 10 AM class- Open Ready Mobility with Process Physical Therapy. After our first Friday Night Lights, Dr. Cory is going to help us recover and stay ready to crush the next two weeks of workouts.

Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. After three weeks of our CrossFit ATP Showdown, Dr. Emily will help us recover from all the hard work and effort that y'all will have brought to each workout.

Whiteboard of the Day

Try and reach a heavy single in 6-8 working setsThe weight is lowered down to the chest nice and controlled. Athletes will pause for 3 seconds and drive the bar to the lockout. We don’t want them to completely release the bar into their chest during the pause (stay activated). ATHLETES SHOULD HAVE A SPOTTER AT ANYTHING ABOVE 70% AND DISCUSS SPOTTING METHOD PREFERENCE. Focus on your shoulders staying pressed against the bench throughout the lift. Feet and hips should be glued down while actively pressing through.The grip should be a thumb length outside our chest (thumbs wrapped around the bar) with the elbows staying at 45 degrees.Before descending, we unrack the bar and bring it over top of the chest, pausing for a slight second - deep stomach breath into a smooth and steady on the negative (don’t allow the bar to freefall).During the drive, once the bar makes contact at the bottom of the chest/top of the sternum and pause, we explode up, driving through our legs, hips, and chest while breathing out at the top of the extension.

We are only going to perform 21.3 today (not 21.4). This was one of those open workouts that looked simple and fun on paper. We were wrong… a fast, aggressive workout with built-in rest, meaning you can push each round. Each round increases in gymnastic difficulty, demanding grip endurance and technical efficiency. Barbell movements hit the legs, midline, and shoulders, while gymnastics challenges grip and pulling strength. This is scored by total time (rest time included).First Round: Push, but stay in control. Don’t go unbroken if it’ll cost you later. Second Round: Manage grip & breathing. Chest-to-bar pull-ups will fatigue you for muscle-ups. Third Round: Dig deep & finish strong! This is the final push.

Front Squats: The weight should be light (-30%) and allow unbroken sets across. Athletes will take the bar from the floor. The barbell should be cleaned to the front rack position. Most athletes will keep a loose fingertip grip on the barbell while in the rack position. If needed due to mobility, athletes can let 1-2 fingers slip out of the front rack to aid in comfort but should take this as a sign that they should consistently be working on front rack mobility outside of metcons. Elbows should stay high throughout the lift, and athletes can think about “chasing the elbows” out of the squat to keep them elevated. Taking a deep breath in at the top and breathing out from the squat will assist with stability and core engagement. If athletes cannot do a front squat, allow them to modify to a back squat or goblet squat.

Thrusters: The weight selected should be light (40%) and allow for reps to be completed in 1-2 sets. The bar will start on the floor. Athletes will clean the bar to the front rack position. Many athletes will find that a slightly wider grip than the traditional front squat front rack will allow for an easier transition from the squat into the shoulder to overhead. The focus should be on breathing out when coming out of each squat and utilizing strong leg drive to send the bar overhead from the rack position rather than relying more on the arms. Breathing with each rep will assist with core engagement and pacing. Not having the bar in contact with the upper torso coming out of the squat will result in the majority of effort being placed on the arms rather than utilizing leg drive, meaning fast burnout on this movement. Allow athletes to modify to lighter weights or to dumbbells if mobility is an issue.

Toes to bar: The goal should be to get at least 5+ reps every set. Break these up into manageable sets to help save you grip for later. For athletes who have difficulty stringing reps together, the timing from knees to elbows will allow athletes to feel the timing needed for toes to bar. Modify this movement to knees to elbow, kipping knee raise, strict knee raise, lying toes to rig, or v-ups.

Chest to Bar: Same as toes to bar; be smart on these to avoid fatigue later. Athletes should choose a grip width similar to their regular pull-up grip or slightly wider to accommodate the space needed to get their chest to the bar. For athletes who can butterfly regular pull-ups but cannot butterfly chest to bar, encourage them to stick with kipping to keep reps consistent and avoid no-repping. If they can’t perform butterfly chest-to-bar pull-ups before the workout, they should practice it later as an accessory piece when fresh. But for now, have them stick with kipping. Modify this movement to kipping pull-ups, ring rows, or jumping pull-ups. Choose wisely when deciding the size of sets you want to take on. Small, quick sets will help prevent burnout from happening in later rounds.

Bar Muscle Ups: Athletes should only perform these if they are proficient in the movement, especially under heavy fatigue. It is an Open workout, and I love seeing people try to get their first. After a few tries, athletes should scale to stay moving. A solid kip will be needed to perform BMU consistently. Keeping the legs long and together during the kip will help assist in focusing the momentum and drive from the kip in one direction, resulting in a strong kip. For athletes with difficulty with turnover, ensure that the wrist is closer to a false grip position rather than a dead hang. Movement can be modified to burpee pull-ups or muscle-ups from a box (ensure that the box is stable and oriented to prevent tipping over)


Pause Bench Press


Build up to a Heavy Pause Bench Press (3-seconds) in 15:00


Open 21.3

Freedom (RX'd)

15 Front Squats (95/65)

30 Toes to Bar

15 Thrusters (95/65)

-rest 1:00-

15 Front Squats (95/65)

30 Chest to Bar

15 Thrusters (95/65)

-rest 1:00-

15 Front Squats (95/65)

30 Bar Muscle Ups

15 Thrusters (95/65)

- Score is reps completed at the 15-minute time cap (note time if you complete the workout) -


For total time:

15 Front Squats (75/55)

30 Toes to Bar

15 Thrusters (75/55)

-rest 1:00-

15 Front Squats (75/55)

30 Pull Ups

15 Thrusters (75/55)

-rest 1:00-

15 Front Squats (75/55)

30 Chest to Bar

15 Thrusters (75/55)

- Score is reps completed at the 15-minute time cap (note time if you complete the workout) -


For total time:

10 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)

20 Hanging Knee Raises

10 Dumbbell Thrusters (light)

-rest 1:00-

10 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)

20 Ring Rows

10 Dumbbell Thrusters (light)

-rest 1:00-

10 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)

20 Jumping Pull Ups

10 Dumbbell Thrusters (light)

- Score is reps completed at the 15-minute time cap (note time if you complete the workout) -

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