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Coach Amanda


August 22, 2024

FRIDAY 08/23/2024

Welcome to a new week! We are 23 days into August, but there is still plenty of time to make it in the Committed Club this month. Keep showing up even when you don't want to; that's when you need to show up the most. Motivation won't always be there, but that is where discipline kicks in. We've been doing a lot of volume over the last couple weeks, so listen to your body and opt for the recovery WOD option if that is what you need that day. Ensure you make time to fuel your body appropriately with whole foods and good hydration. We can't wait to see you in the gym this week!


Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1-3 pm

Committed Club started August 1st- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!

September 9th - 14th- Bring a Friend Week

October 5th 9 am - 12 pm - CrossFit ATP "Lift- Off"

November 9th 5 pm - CrossFit ATP Friendsgiving

Whiteboard of the Day

Today is a short, heavy workout intended to test your strength and power.

Choose a load that allows this workout to be a moderate heavy sprint. If you go too heavy, you won't feel the intended intensity of moving heavy weights quickly in moderate-to-large sets, but if you go too light, it'll be too easy.

Scale the loads to allow for jumps that are substantial enough to feel heavy. Reduce the load for each movement by 10 or more pounds unless you're a newer athlete still learning the mechanics or working through an injury.

Prioritize moving well today. Lift heavy, but understand that lifting heavy AND moving quickly is a privilege that has to be earned with time and reps. If asked to reduce load, know that it's because we want to keep you safe and want to be able to tend to other athletes. If a coach gets stuck keeping one athlete from falling apart during the workout, everyone else in the class loses out on being coached and the opportunity to also be assessed for safety considerations.

Workout of the Day


3 rounds for time:

21 deadlifts (85/135 lb)

15 hang power cleans

9 squat clean thrusters


1 set:

:30 couch stretch/side

:30 hamstring stretch/side

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