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Coach Amanda


July 4, 2024

FRIDAY O7/05/2024

Welcome to a new month of opportunities! This week starts a new "be better" movement, and this month we are focusing on the push-up. We have a fun little challenge for everyone - We are challenging everyone to accumulate 25 push-ups every single day of July. This can be any variation of the push-up in any variation of sets (unbroken, sets of 5, etc.) There will be a spot in the Be Better track on the app for you to record your daily 25 push-ups. We look forward to seeing everyone improve this simple, yet effective movement over the course of the month. As always, stay consistent this week in the gym even with the increasing temperatures. Stay hydrated, but also stay focused on your goals!


One class on Fourth of July @ 9 am.

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1-3 pm

Only one Saturday class @ 10 am.

Saturday July 20th- US National Whitewater Center Takeover 2 - 9 pm

Saturday August 3rd- AMRAP4Autism (let us know if you want to participate and need a partner!)

Whiteboard of the Day

Today we have a fun triplet that combines rowing, dumbbell push presses, and toes-to-bars.

Shoot to hit 3-7 rounds; advanced athletes should surpass the 7-round mark.

The row should take no more than 2 minutes each round; advanced athletes should aim for sub-1-minute efforts to finish the 20 calories.

Choose a light-to-moderate dumbbell load that allows you to complete the push presses in no more than 3 sets each round and in under 90 seconds.

Advanced athletes should push to complete each round of toes-to-bars unbroken, while intermediate and beginner athletes may choose to use today to practice challenging singles.

Beginner and intermediate athletes can choose to practice toes-to-bar skill under fatigue or modify this skill and push the pace on the row and push press.

Stick around to cool down and recover after the workout.

Workout of the Day



20-cal row

15 double-DB push presses (35/50 lb)

10 toes-to-bars


1 set:

200-m cooldown walk

1:00 double-forearm stretch

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