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Coach Amanda


June 30, 2024

MONDAY 07/01/2024

Welcome to a new month of opportunities! This week starts a new "be better" movement, and this month we are focusing on the push-up. We have a fun little challenge for everyone - We are challenging everyone to accumulate 25 push-ups every single day of July. This can be any variation of the push-up in any variation of sets (unbroken, sets of 5, etc.) There will be a spot in the Be Better track on the app for you to record your daily 25 push-ups. We look forward to seeing everyone improve this simple, yet effective movement over the course of the month. As always, stay consistent this week in the gym even with the increasing temperatures. Stay hydrated, but also stay focused on your goals!


One class on Fourth of July @ 9 am.

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1-3 pm

Only one Saturday class @ 10 am.

Saturday July 20th- US National Whitewater Center Takeover 2 - 9 pm

Saturday August 3rd- AMRAP4Autism (let us know if you want to participate and need a partner!)

Whiteboard of the Day

Today’s workout is the classic CrossFit benchmark Amanda, but with a twist! You’ll perform power snatches instead of squat snatches.

Expect a shorter higher-skill effort.

If you have muscle-ups, but not the Rx’d volume, reduce the reps to 7-5-3 for 15 total, 5-4-3 for 12 total, or 4-3-2 for 9 total reps.

The power snatch load should feel moderate and allow you to perform a few touch-and-go reps; however, fast singles may be the way to go in this workout as long as you can complete a rep every 15 seconds or less.

In the specific warm-up, we will spend time working up to a heavy set of three touch-and-go power snatches. This should give you a better idea of the weight to use in the workout.

Following the workout, stick around and stretch prior to leaving the gym.

Workout of the Day



Every 2:00 for 4 sets:

3 touch-and-go power snatches

– Build to a heavy set of 3.


9-7-5 reps for time of:

Ring muscle-ups

Power snatches (95/135 lb)

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