Whiteboard Of the Day
Today we revisit Open Workout 18.5; if you participated that year (and/or 12.5 and 11.6), be sure to go back and check your score.
Shoot to make it to the round of 15 reps in this ascending ladder AMRAP.
Choose a thruster load that you can move for unbroken reps through the round of 9 and a chest-to-bar pull-up variation that allows for sets of 3 or more reps throughout the workout.
We’ll spend time in the warm-up dialing thruster and chest-to-bar pull-up mechanics and taking plenty of time to practice each movement.
After the workout, we’ll work on GHD sit-ups!
Metcon Of the Day
3-6-9-12… etc.
Thrusters (65/100 lb)
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Skill/Strength Of the Day
3 sets:
5-15 GHD sit-ups
– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.