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CrossFit ATP


June 17, 2023

Saturday 06/17/2023

Stimulus Of the Day

Rows in 3:30-4:30.

Hand-release push-ups completed in :45 or less.

DB hang power cleans in 1:00 or less.

Whiteboard Of the Day

The push-ups and DB work in this workout should be “easy” so that it can be done in under 2:30 total for both rounds.

This format aims to fatigue the arms and elevate the heart rate going into the longer row.

Each row should be under 4:30 to hit the stimulus. If that’s challenging to manage, scale the distance.

Don’t overly pace the first row, but don’t go slow either. Move at a moderate pace.

Start at that same moderate pace on the second row and get faster towards the end. The final 200-m should feel like an all-out sprint.

Metcon Of the Day

2 rounds for time:
10 hand-release push-ups
20 alternating hang DB power cleans (35/50 lb)
10 hand-release push-ups
800/1,000-m row
– Use a single DB.

Accessory Of the Day

3 sets:
:30 hollow rocks
10 strict toes-to-bar or weighted knee ups

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