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Coach Amanda


June 21, 2024

SATURDAY 06/22/2024

Welcome to a new week! As you push your limits in the gym, remember that the habits you create here extend far beyond these walls. The dedication you show to each workout can inspire discipline in every aspect of your life. By staying consistent with your training, you build resilience and strength not just physically, but mentally too.

Remember to hydrate! Hydration and proper nutrition are essential fuel for your progress, supporting recovery and sustained energy throughout the day.

And above all, remember to have fun!


Open Gym Times this Week | Saturday 10 am -12 pm+ Sunday 1-3 pm

Only one Saturday class @ 10 am.

Saturday July 20th- US National Whitewater Center Takeover 2 - 9 pm

Saturday August 3rd- AMRAP4Autism (let us know if you want to participate and need a partner!)

Whiteboard of the Day

This is a longer partner chipper where all of the work is split as desired.

One person works at a time for each movement, ideally splitting the work relatively evenly. That said, it’s okay for one partner to pick up a little more volume than the other if that challenges you both appropriately and keeps you moving.

Complete the double-unders in under 3 minutes. Reduce the total volume to maintain that stimulus as needed. If you don’t have double-unders, substitute with power singles where you practice jumping as high as possible on each rep.

Finish the AbMat sit-ups in under 7 minutes. Make sure you maintain range of motion; reduce volume if needed to do so.

You should take no more than 6 minutes on the push presses, ideally sharing the same set of dumbbells. Reduce the load as needed to maintain sets of 8 or more.

Complete the farmers carry in under 4 minutes. Reduce the load if needed, but ideally use the same weight you used for the push press. To avoid wasted rest breaks, run together for the entire 400 meters and trade off carrying the dumbbells as needed.

Workout of the Day


For time with a partner:

160 double-unders

160 AbMat sit-ups

160 double-unders

160 DB push presses (35/50 lb)

160 double-unders

400-m DB farmers carry

– Split the work as desired.

– Use two dumbbells.



1:00 foam roll calves

1:00 cobra stretch

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