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CrossFit ATP


July 2, 2022

Saturday 07/02/2022


4th of July PARTY!

This Monday to celebrate the 4th of July, and our awesome community that we can not begin to express how grateful we are to have. Josh & I want to invite all CrossFit ATP members and their significant others over to our home for a pool party!!!
This will be a fun afternoon of fun under the sun with friends!
The party will be from 11am to 5pm
There will be come some light food provided.

Unfortunately due to our personal dogs we will have to limit this event to *adult humans only*, no children and no visiting dogs due to our own dogs.
RSVP for Address

Workout Of the Day

Strength Of the Day

Bench Press

Metcon Of the Day

400m Run
65 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls
15 Slam Balls

Post Times, Loads, Pictures and Words of Wisdom to BTWB

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