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Coach Amanda


July 26, 2024

SATURDAY 07/27/2024

Welcome to another promising week at CrossFit ATP as each day holds potential for you to see growth inside and out of the gym. This week’s programming holds a great variety of challenges for each of us, benchmark WODs, lifting, cardio, and just some good ole fashioned CrossFit. With our community, we will tackle each day with grit and determination and celebrate each other’s victories along the way. Let’s get after it this week and crush our goals!


Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1-3 pm

Saturday August 3rd- AMRAP4Autism

Whiteboard of the Day

Today you partner up for a longer-duration bodyweight and monostructural metabolic conditioning workout.

You and your partner will evenly split the jump rope and burpee reps each round, then run together, and then split the single-leg squats with just one person working at a time.

As a team, one partner may only begin work on the next movement once the other is ready as well.

There will be a 30-minute time cap on this workout.

Adjust the workout volume as needed to finish the first several rounds in under 5 minutes each.

Additionally, scale the movements as needed to allow for a fast pace for a sustained duration rather than a long, slow, and sluggish workout.

Workout of the Day


5 rounds with a partner:

60 double-unders, each at the same time

50 burpees, total at the same time

400-m run, together

30 alternating single-leg squats, split reps as needed with partner


1 set:

200-m cooldown walk

1:00 foam roll t-spine

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