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CrossFit ATP


September 2, 2023

Saturday 09/02/2023

Hybrid CrossFit Hours & Athletic Club Hours Start Next Week!
Stay tuned to the blog!

Holiday Hours

Labor Day
Monday 9am Only
Hero WOD
12noon POOL PARTY!!
Wade's house text for address

Whiteboard Of the Day

Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark. If you have previously completed this workout, recall your scores and challenge yourself to hit a PR today.

Prioritize constant movement over choosing movements that are more too challenging. Go for more movement and less resting.

The power clean weight should feel relatively light considering you will be performing around 40+ reps. Use a weight like you would for “Grace” or other light to moderately weighted barbell workouts.

Start each new AMRAP back at the power cleans. Keep track of total rounds and reps. At the end total up all rounds and reps.

Shoot to perform all movements unbroken for as many rounds as possible.

Accessory Of the Day

On a 6:00 running clock:
Squat therapy

Metcon Of the Day

"The Chief"
5 rounds of AMRAP 3:
3 power cleans (95/135 lb)
6 push-ups
9 air squats
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

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