Whiteboard Of the Day
Today we have a fun chipper that ends with max reps rope climbs.
Shoot to complete each movement’s total reps in 2 sets max; scale accordingly to meet this stimulus.
You should have at least 2:00 to go for rope climbs or scaled variation.
We’ll spend time in the warm-up dialing row mechanics and taking plenty of time to prep for and practice each movement.
After the workout, we’ll work on Turkish get-ups!
Metcon Of the Day
On a 12:00 clock:
50-calorie row
40 KB swings (35/53 lb)
30 KB goblet squats
20 burpees
Max rope climbs
Skill/Strength Of the Day
10 Turkish get-ups/arm
– Use a single dumbbell or KB.
– Build in load as desired through all 10 reps.