This week ENDS with our FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS of the CrossFit ATP Showdown! IF you have given into your FOMO and want to join in on the action, see Coach Amanda or Coach Jerry to be added to on of our amazing teams! Until then, we still have some awesome work to be done this week. We're diving into some exciting and varied workouts to push our limits and improve our skills. Starting with an intense Mayhem Benchmark on Monday, we’ll challenge strength and conditioning with deadlifts and handstand push-ups, followed by a moderate intensity session on Tuesday to work on pacing. Throughout the week, expect a mix of endurance, aerobic capacity, and muscle endurance work, with the Open workout on Friday serving as a surprise challenge.
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10- 12 am (we heard the feedback so we are changing it back :)
Committed Club Month 7- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. ( Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.
Saturday 3/1/25 after the 10 AM class- Open Ready Mobility with Process Physical Therapy. After our first Friday Night Lights, Dr. Cory is going to help us recover and stay ready to crush the next two weeks of workouts.
Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Overhead Strength and Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. Dr. Emily will help walk us through this common trouble point in improving some of those overhead positions and movements.
Whiteboard of the Day
Athletes will be benching at 80% for 5 x 3. Athletes should load the shoulders down and back against the bench, keep glutes against bench at all times during the lift, and engage the legs by driving the feet into the floor. Shorter athletes will benefit from placing their feet on plates to have complete contact and taller athletes may benefit from pulling the feet back under and driving through the forefoot. Engagement should be felt in lower body throughout the lift. Athletes should take a deep breath, lower the bar, and breathe out while pressing the bar up. The bar path should make a subtle “J” pattern by starting over the shoulders, making contact at the upper abdomen/lower sternum, and end over the shoulders again. Athletes should use a spotter.
Stimulus is moderate to high pacing on the row. Efforts should steadily increase as the calories decrease. The rest will always be 1:1 with their partner, so be sure athletes stand up and shake their legs and arms out.Ensure athletes practice prior on transitioning in and out of the rower. Also, the monitor must always be reset (no rollover calories). Scale the calories down if athletes know they can not stay within the time caps with increasing efforts.
Row: Athletes should adjust the damper to between a 6-8 setting. Feet cradles should be adjusted so that athletes can return in with the rower handle on each pull with a minimal lift of the heels and no feelings of being “cramped” in the return position. Many athletes often have their foot cradle set too small. Ensure that athletes are driving with the feet/heels at the beginning of each pull and completely finishing the pull before returning in with the handle. Breathing out with each rep will assist with pacing throughout the workout.
For the first two sets of the row, the pacing should ideally be the same pace/effort (70-75%). The last 3 sets are where athletes should look to ramp up their pace while sprinting for the last 10/8 calories.
Bench Press
5 sets:
3 Bench Press (75-80%)
-Complete a set every 2:00-
Nine Rings
Freedom (RX'd)
Teams of 2
Men: 50-40-30-20-10 Calorie Row
Women: 40-32-24-16-8 Calorie Row
-1:1 on sets -
Teams of 2
Men: 40-32-24-16-8 Calorie Row
Women: 30-24-18-12-6 Calorie Row
-1:1 on sets -
Teams of 2
Men: 30-25-20-15-10 Calorie Row
Women: 24-20-16-12-8 Calorie Row
-1:1 on sets -