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Coach Amanda


March 5, 2025

THURSDAY 03/06/2025

Thank you to everyone who came out to our first FNL of the CrossFit ATP Showdown! Whether you competed, judged, cheered people on, or just ate some Tiny Biscuit, we appreciate YOU! Can't wait to run it back again this Friday for week 2. CLT Burger Box will be with us so again bring that same HIGH ENERGY and appetite. Heats again will begin at 5:30. Be on the look out for a tip/tricks video on 25.2 from Coach Jerry and Dr. Cory Lail this Thursday. This week, the programming will challenge athletes with a mix of endurance, strength, and grit. Starting Monday, expect a high-energy triplet for upper body endurance, while Tuesday focuses on core endurance through fatigue management, and Wednesday offers a test of grit with a blend of bike calories and fast-paced couplets; the week concludes with strategic partner work on Saturday, testing pacing and coordination.

We also are kicking off our March Be Better which is the first of three months focusing on the movements of the CrossFit Total (deadlift, back squat, and strict press.) This month we are focusing on the deadlift, and will be deadlifting during class every Monday of the month. We will test our 1 RM on March 31st to see our progress over the month. Let's get after it!

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Committed Club Month 8- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!


CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.

  • March 7th - CLT Burger Box
  • March 14th - Praise Cheeses + DJ Errick B + AFTER PARTY!

Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Overhead Strength and Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. Dr. Emily will help walk us through this common trouble point in improving some of those overhead positions and movements.

April 12th 9:30 AM - CrossFit ATP Community Ruck

Whiteboard of the Day

Complex is completed unbroken (3 Squat Clean + 3 Push Jerks)Athletes should load the hips to utilize leg drive to avoid excessive strain on the lower back.Keep the bar close, finish your pull (triple extension) before diving under the bar into the receiving position.Fast feet, strong catch, and drive out of the hole with a vertical torso.At the top of the third squat clean athletes should adjust their hands/feet before driving the bar overhead.Keep a vertical torso during the dip with elbows staying in front of the bar.Dip should be controlled (not dropped into) with bending of the hips and knees. Once athletes sink 2-3 inches, we want a rocket ship out of the dip into the drive.Reach triple extension (ankles, knees, hips) before punching the bar overhead while dropping underneath the bar.Stand up into the full lockout position before absorbing the bar back down, reset and then go into the next rep.

This is not a sprint; it’s a grindy strength-stamina piece. We want a steady and moderate effort while keeping a controlled heart rate and breathing. Legs + Lats will fatigue quickly, so expect quads, glutes, and core engagement on lunges or sled push, while strict pull-ups will challenge upper body endurance.Expect leg fatigue from lunges (or sled push) and arm/lat fatigue from strict pull-ups.

Front Rack Walking Lunge: Ensure the weight is light and moveable, and athletes can go 25-50ft comfortably. Lunges are performed with a barbell in the front rack. Athletes should breathe in before lunging and breathe out when stepping out of the lunge to stabilize and engage the core. Avoid the no reps of stutter stepping between lunge reps, resulting in a few extra inches on each step and also failing to reach full extension of the hips between steps, resulting in “duck walk lunges.” Athletes should focus on allowing the elbows to “lead the body” out of the lunge to avoid losing the front rack and dropping the bar.

Pull-ups: Athletes should choose a variation of pull-ups that will allow them to complete sets of 3-5 strict reps at a time when fresh. These sets should be of moderate difficulty if modified to a different movement, meaning that athletes should use a band tension (if banding pull-ups) that will allow for the recommended number of reps above and not “slingshot” them over the bar due to too much assistance. Pull-ups can be modified to banded pull-ups, ring rows, or bodyweight rows on a racked bar (attached to the rig with bands).


Squat Clean + Push Jerk


5 sets

3 Squat Clean + 3 Push Jerks (unbroken, build-in weight)

-complete a set every 2:00-


Freedom (RX'd)

3 Rounds

50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (95/65)

15 Strict Pull-ups


3 Rounds

50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (75/55)

10 Strict Pull-ups


3 Rounds

50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (light)

15 Ring Rows

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