Thank you to everyone who made Bring a Friend Week such a success! We had 30+ friends brought and we loved having each and every one of them in the gym. Our community is the BEST! We’re kicking off this week with some exciting and challenging workouts. Monday will have athletes tackling a large set of calories, followed by a fast-paced 5-round couplet to start and end the session. Tuesday ramps things up with a descending triplet that will really test everyone’s endurance, while Wednesday’s “every 2 minutes" allows athletes to push hard on the bike before lifting heavy weights. Thursday brings a fun functional bodybuilding session to help athletes boost their pump, and Friday will feature the 13.2 Open Workout, a deceptively simple triplet that’s sure to challenge. Let’s have an amazing week!
NO SATURDAY CLASS THIS WEEK- sign up for the Community Ruck with Process PT!
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
Committed Club Month 7- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
February 15th- 9 am: Community Ruck with Process Physical Therapy- meeting at 730 E 36th St unit 101, Charlotte, NC 28205 for a fun time of rucking together as a community. There will be no Saturday class that day. (
February 28th starting at 5:30 pm- First Friday Night Lights of The CrossFit Open! - There will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. (
Whiteboard of the Day
Athletes can build in weight (between 70-80%) or stay the same across sets.Tempo = 3 sec down/no pause/1 sec up/no pause (3010)Either have everyone squat together and you (coach) count them down into the squat or have a partner count.Focus on a tall torso with high elbows. Smooth and controlled, unlock the hips back and then pull straight down with your hamstrings.Before descending, we want athletes to take a solid stomach breath to secure the midline.
This workout is designed to challenge athlete's grip, pulling capacity, and leg endurance while keeping the heart rate high. Come out moving with a push-pace effort that’s consistent as reps descend. Be strategic about when to break (if needed) and be methodical at each station.Let’s limit transition time between movements and prepare mentally to move directly from one to the next.
Hang Squat Cleans: The weight selected should be around 50% of the athlete’s 1rm and allow for 10+ reps unbroken. Athletes will start by deadlifting the bar and then lowering it to the hang position. Athletes will clean the bar and receive at the bottom of a squat before standing. Performing these reps with a slightly wider stance than a typical weightlifting “jumping position” will allow athletes to avoid lateral foot movement during the clean (keeping the feet in the receiving position throughout) and speed up cycle time due to not having to reset the feet to the “jumping position” with each rep.
Burpee Box Get Over: Pacing here needs to be steady and consistent. Athletes must be smart in monitoring their heart rates while maintaining a constant workflow. The wording “get-over” means that athletes can get from one side of the box to the other in any fashion as long as most of the body passes over the box. Methods include planting hands on the box while bringing feet on top and over the box or planting hands on the box while bringing the knee on top and over the box, hopping up to a seated position, pivoting on top of the box, and hopping down. Slow down during the warm-up and demo the transition of getting the foot on the box. Many athletes will refrain from asking about transitions if it seems most of the class can already do it, so allow everyone to practice during the warm-up. Modify to a lower height box.
Chest to Bar: Similar to last week's workout, unbroken would be great, but athletes should break into two quick sets to conserve their grip. Athletes should choose a grip width similar to their regular pull-up grip or slightly wider to accommodate the space needed to get their chest to the bar. For athletes who can butterfly regular pull-ups but cannot butterfly chest to bar, encourage them to stick with kipping to keep reps consistent and avoid no-repping. If they can’t perform butterfly chest-to-bar pull-ups before the workout, they should practice it later as an accessory piece when fresh. But for now, have them stick with kipping. Modify this movement to kipping pull-ups, ring rows, or jumping pull-ups. Break into smaller sets if needed to avoid frying the hands.
Tempo Front Squat
6 sets
2 Tempo Front Squat (70-80%)
Tempo = 3 sec down/no pause/1 sec up/no pause (3010)
-every 2 minutes-
Freedom (RX'd)
Hang Squat Clean (115/85)
Burpee Box Get Over (30/24)
Chest to Bar Pullups
Hang Squat Clean (95/65)
Burpee Box Get Over (24/20)
Hang Dumbbell Squat Clean (light)
Up Down Box step up (24/20)
Jumping Pull Ups