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Coach Amanda


February 24, 2025

TUESDAY 02/25/2025

This week ENDS with our FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS of the CrossFit ATP Showdown! IF you have given into your FOMO and want to join in on the action, see Coach Amanda or Coach Jerry to be added to on of our amazing teams! Until then, we still have some awesome work to be done this week. We're diving into some exciting and varied workouts to push our limits and improve our skills. Starting with an intense Mayhem Benchmark on Monday, we’ll challenge strength and conditioning with deadlifts and handstand push-ups, followed by a moderate intensity session on Tuesday to work on pacing. Throughout the week, expect a mix of endurance, aerobic capacity, and muscle endurance work, with the Open workout on Friday serving as a surprise challenge.

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10- 12 am (we heard the feedback so we are changing it back :)

Committed Club Month 7- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!


CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. ( Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.

  • February 28th
  • March 7th
  • March 14th

Saturday 3/1/25 after the 10 AM class- Open Ready Mobility with Process Physical Therapy. After our first Friday Night Lights, Dr. Cory is going to help us recover and stay ready to crush the next two weeks of workouts.

Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Overhead Strength and Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. Dr. Emily will help walk us through this common trouble point in improving some of those overhead positions and movements.

Whiteboard of the Day

Athletes will be front squatting at 80% for 5 x 3. Athletes will take the bar from the rig. The majority of athletes will keep a loose fingertip grip on the barbell while in the rack position. If needed due to mobility, athletes can let 1-2 fingers slip out of the front rack to aid in comfort, but should take this as a sign that they should consistently be working on front rack mobility outside of metcons. Elbows should stay high during the entirety of the lift and athletes can think about “chasing the elbows” out of the squat to keep them elevated. Taking a deep breath in at the top and breathing out coming out of the squat will assist with stability and core engagement. If athlete is unable to front squat, allow them to modify to a back squat or goblet squat.

Stimulus is steady pacing and moderate intensity across the entire workout. This workout is meant to be a challenge for athletes to push for a consistent effort on the toes to bar while using a maintenance pace through the burpees.The core and breathing will be under heavy duress, so athletes need to focus on getting their breathing under control during the break.In the middle set, we are swapping out the toes to bar for V-ups to lessen the volume due to the CrossFit Open.

Toes to bar: Athletes should perform toes to bar if they can consistently perform 5 reps unbroken. Athletes should perform fast, quick sets to avoid burning out on this movement. For athletes who have difficulty stringing reps together, the timing from knees to elbows will allow athletes to feel the timing needed for toes to bar. Modify this movement to knees to elbow, kipping knee raise, strict knee raise, lying toes to rig, or v-ups. Aiming to complete sets of 5+ reps throughout this workout will be a solid strategy to keep them moving across rounds. Advanced athletes should go unbroken or close throughout the 3 sets

V-ups: We want to knock these out in 1-2 sets. After the burpees, the legs will be heavy, making these much more difficult. Athletes will start by lying on the floor with their feet together. Feet and hands must make contact with the floor. The athlete’s torso and legs must leave the ground simultaneously. The athlete will close the core and touch both hands to both feet simultaneously. Feet must be together, and contact with feet/hands must occur above the level of the athlete’s head. Athletes can modify this movement by choosing a different target on their lower body other than the toes (ankles, shins, knees) without worrying about the “above head level” for contact and these modified positions.

Burpee Broad Jump: Pacing should be steady and near non-stop through all 10 reps. The movement starts with a burpee facing a line and then a jump over the designated space, passing the far line. Athletes must face the line when performing the burpee. Athletes do not have to show full extension when jumping over the line but will find that utilizing the opening of the hips during the jump is the most efficient method for performing the broad jump. Based on the previous year’s standard, athletes do not have to perform a two-foot take off or two-foot landing but must start behind the close line and completely clear the far line to be counted as a valid rep. The jump must be redone if an athlete makes contact with either line (but the burpee does not). Modify this movement to burpee line step-over (using as many steps as needed to get beyond the far line).


Front Squat


5 sets:

3 Front Squat (75-80%)

-Complete a set every 2:00-


The Shire

Freedom (RX'd)

Every 5:00 (3 sets)

10 Toes to Bar or 10 V-ups

10 Burpee Broad Jump (4’/3’)

10 Toes to Bar or 10 V-ups

10 Burpee Broad Jump (4’/3’)

10 Toes to Bar or 10 V-ups

* Perform Toes to Bar for sets 1 and 3. Perform V-ups for set 2.


Every 5:00 (3 sets)

8 Toes to Bar

8 Burpee Broad Jump (3’)

8 Toes to Bar

8 Burpee Broad Jump (3’)

8 Toes to Bar

* Perform Toes to Bar for sets 1 and 3. Perform V-ups for set 2.


Every 5:00 (3 sets)

8 Hanging Knee Raises

8 Up Downs

10 Sit Ups

8 Up Downs

8 Hanging Knee Raises

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