Sign Up For the afternoon 6:30pm WOD!!
Stimulus Of the Day
Perform the sets of 5 and 3 squat cleans unbroken (touch and go).
Build to a heavy set of 5, 3, and 1.
Complete 2-3 sets within each 7:00 window.
Rest 1:00-3:00 between attempts.
Whiteboard Of the Day
Today is a heavy day with an emphasis on stamina and strategic jumps. This is a workout you should approach with a plan.
After warming up and deciding on a starting weight, plan your jumps. For example, if you plan on doing your first set of 5 reps at 135 lb, your next jumps might be to 155 lb, and then 175 lb. Your jumps should not exceed 20-30 lbs.
Today’s goal is to find a heavy set of 5, 3, and 1 unbroken squat cleans. Each is within a 7:00 window. This is plenty of time. Plan to complete 2-3 attempts in each 7:00 window.
After warming up, partner up and share a bar for the workout.
Stick around and stretch before leaving the gym.
Metcon Of the Day
For load, on a running clock:
From 0:00-7:00:
Find a 5-rep-max squat clean
From 7:00-14:00:
Find a 3-rep-max squat clean
From 14:00-21:00:
Find a 1-rep-max squat clean