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CrossFit ATP


September 5, 2023

Tuesday 09/05/2023

Hours & Athletic Club Hours Start Next Week!
Stay tuned to the blog!

Whiteboard Of the Day

Today’s workout is a repeat of a classic CrossFit benchmark Grace that we saw last month.

Try to complete this one in 8:00 or less; select a light-to-moderate load, allowing you to cycle 7 touch-and-go reps in the warm-up and maintain “fast” singles in the workout.

This workout will be more metabolic than you want it to be; expect to be out of breath and your grip to become fatigued.

Set your strategy ahead of time. Will you go for a big unbroken set in the beginning and then see what happens? Will you perform singles from the start? The warm-up is an opportunity to practice different strategies and figure out what might work best for you.

Metcon Of the Day

For time:
30 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)

Strength Of the Day

On a 10:00 clock:
Build to a heavy power clean and push jerk

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