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Coach Amanda


September 30, 2024

TUESDAY 10/01/2024

TODAY begins our October Be Better Challenge! This month we are going to do a box step-up challenge to prep us for CHAD1000X Hero WOD on Nov 9th. The challenge is 20 box-step ups every WEEKDAY. Be sure to log it in the app so you get credit for your hard work. Those who complete the challenge will be entered into a lottery to win a prize!

It’s a brand new week, and we’re pumped to get rocking and rolling! Whether you’re chasing those PRs or just looking to crush your workouts, we’ve got some exciting challenges lined up for you. Remember, we’re all in this together, so let’s motivate each other and make this week amazing! Can’t wait to see all your smiling faces in the gym!


Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm

Committed Club Month 2- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!


November 9th 5 pm - CrossFit ATP Friendsgiving

Whiteboard of the Day

Today we'll take on Nancy; this classic CrossFit benchmark workout tests your capacity through a moderate time domain and higher-skill conditioning with 75 opportunities to improve your overhead squat mechanics.

Find a light load that allows you to complete 2 or more rounds unbroken and always at least 10 reps in a row before you rest.

Maintain a consistent fast run pace across all rounds. If you don't think you can finish at least 3 rounds of the 400-meter run under 2 minutes each, scale a few of the rounds to 300 meters.

Even if you think you will be slower across the entire workout but can still finish in under 17 minutes, today is a great opportunity to set a new benchmark time.

Workout of the Day



5 rounds for time:

400-m run

15 overhead squats (65/95 lb)



1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm

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