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Coach Amanda


March 11, 2025

WEDNESDAY 03/12/2025


Thank you to everyone who came out to our second FNL of the CrossFit ATP Showdown! Whether you competed, judged, cheered people on, or just ate some CLT Burger Box, we appreciate YOU! Can't wait to run it back again this coming Friday for week 3. Praise Cheeses + DJ ERRICK B will be with us so again bring that same HIGH ENERGY and appetite. Heats again will begin at 5:30. Be on the look out for a tip/tricks video on 25.3 from Coach Jerry and special guest this coming Thursday!

As we gear up for our final Friday Night Lights, it's crucial to approach the week with the same intensity and focus we bring to every session at CrossFit ATP. Each day is an opportunity to push ourselves further, staying committed to our goals and maintaining the momentum we’ve built. Let's finish strong, showing up with the energy and dedication that will carry us through to an unforgettable finale.

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Committed Club Month 8- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!


CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.

  • March 14th - Praise Cheeses + DJ Errick B + AFTER PARTY!

Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Overhead Strength and Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. Dr. Emily will help walk us through this common trouble point in improving some of those overhead positions and movements.

April 12th 9:30 AM - CrossFit ATP Community Ruck

Whiteboard of the Day

This is a gritty, leg-and-core burner, so play the long game early to ensure you can stay moving deep into the AMRAP! The lower body demand is high, with step ups building volume and GHDs taxing the midline. Expect fatigue to accumulate quickly in the legs and core, making pacing critical.Smooth & controlled; don’t rush through the step-ups. Keep transitions efficient and use the first 2-3 rounds to establish a sustainable, steady breathing pattern and pace.

Single Dumbbell Alternating Box Step Ups: Weight should allow athletes to keep a near non-stop effort across all sets. The dumbbell can be held in any fashion if not propped on the leg during the step up or step down. One hand must always remain in contact with the dumbbell when reps are attempted. Reps must alternate legs each time. Athletes must show full extension at the top of the rep, and both feet must make contact with the top of the box on each rep, and both feet must make contact with the floor in between reps. Male athletes will use a 24-inch box, and female athletes will use a 20-inch box. Breathing out while bracing the core during the step up will keep athletes in strong, safe positions for this movement. Modify this movement by decreasing the dumbbell weight or step height.

GHD situps: Pacing should be smooth and steady while trying to stay non-stop. Ensure athletes know how to adjust the GHD quickly if heights differ. Always speak to athletes about the risks of rhabdo when demoing GHDs (not to scare athletes, but to bring awareness). It’s important to mention that they should not apply heat to the muscles if they experience severe cramping, as this can make rhabdo worse. If an athlete suspects they have rhabdo or their urine turns a dark brown, they should go to the hospital immediately. The footpad setting on the GHD should allow the hips to be slightly past the peak of the hip pad while the legs are slightly bent. Focus when sitting back should be a slight bend in the knees, neutral head, and wide arms. Focus when sitting up should be an extension of the legs, throwing the arms, and breathing out. Athletes who are new or returning from a break are highly encouraged to modify this movement. Modify this movement to GHDs to parallel, strict abmat situps (hands behind the head or crossed over the chest) or abmat situps.


Take 15 minutes to help athletes practice double-unders or crossover singles. We have crossover singles coming up in a workout soon and today would be a great day to practice.

Level 1: single-unders

Level 2: double-unders

Level 3: crossover singles

Level 4: crossover doubles

After a few minutes of coaching/practice, perform as an emom of :30 on and :30 off for 5 minutes. Pick a rep number target that you think is repeatable, or just practice for each 30 second block and don't worry about counting.



Freedom (RX'd)

12:00 AMRAP

4-8-12-16-20. . .

Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (50/35) (24/20)

10 GHDs (Or Stick Sit Ups)


12:00 AMRAP

4-8-12-16-20. . .

Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (35/25) (20/16)

8 GHDs + 6in Riser (Or Stick Sit Ups)


12:00 AMRAP

4-8-12-16-20. . .

Box Step Ups (unweighted) (20/16)

10 Sit Ups

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