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Coach Amanda


August 13, 2024

WEDNESDAY 08/14/2024

Here we are at the start of a new week! I want each of you to set a standard for yourself this week of what you want to accomplish, whether that is making it to a certain amount of classes, eating cleaner, etc. Once you set that standard for the week, HOLD that standard. Don't let yourself lower the bar, instead press on and show yourself just what you are capable of. We have some good workouts on tap this week, and we can't wait to see you in the gym!


Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1-3 pm

Committed Club started August 1st- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!

September 9th - 14th- Bring a Friend Week

October 5th 9 am - 12 pm - CrossFit ATP "Lift- Off"

November 9th 5 pm - CrossFit ATP Friendsgiving

Whiteboard of the Day

Today we have a simple, straightforward workout that requires cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular stamina.

The kettlebell is the heavier of our two typical loadings, with reduced range of motion to allow for most, if not all, rounds unbroken.

Adjust the load as needed to finish the reps in 1-2 sets and in under 1 minute. If needed, reduce volume as well.

Plan to push the pace on the run to complete every effort in 2 minutes or less. Reduce the volume to maintain this stimulus.

If you are able to perform the swings unbroken and with little-to-no transitions between your runs, it’s okay to take the extra 15 seconds you save on your swings and count them toward your runs. Just make sure you keep the transitions quick!

In the warm-up, we’ll spend time practicing running technique and building up to fast paces that can be used for the workout. Afterward, you’ll have extra time today to cool down, relax, and hang out.

Workout of the Day


5 rounds for time:
20 Russian KB swings (53/70 lb)
400-m run


1 set:

200 m cooldown walk

1:00 foam roll t-spine

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