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Coach Jerry


April 12, 2024

FRIDAY 04/12/2024

This week, let's focus on the power of consistency and trusting the process. Every time we step into the gym, we have the opportunity to push ourselves, grow stronger, and conquer new challenges. So let's commit to showing up, giving it our all, and trusting that with time and dedication, we will see progress and results. Remember, it's not about being perfect, it's about putting in the effort and believing in ourselves. Let's crush this week!

Don't forget to fill out the member survey!

Up Coming Gym Events

Open Gym Times this Week - Saturday 8am-noon | Sunday 1-3pm
CrossFit ATP Guys Night - 4/20
Crowders Mountain Take Over - 4/28
Memorial Day Murph 5/27

Whiteboard of the Day

This combination of pulling, running, and plank holding is higher in volume and moderate in load. Shoot to finish somewhere between 16-20 minutes with large clean sets and fast runs. Complete the cleans in 3 sets or less. If needed, reduce the load to perform at least 7 unbroken power cleans at a time. The time spent on each run will determine how long you have to hold the plank afterward. Finish the runs in under 2 minutes; reduce distance as needed to make that happen. As you run out the door each round, note the time. When you finish the run, look at the clock or your watch and determine how long you spent running to determine plank hold time. Plank hold for the total time you spent on the run each round. You may break, but the effort should not take longer than 3 minutes; stop at that point even if you haven’t accumulated the full time.

Workout Of the Day


3 rounds for time:

21 power cleans (105/155 lb)

400-m run

Plank hold for time equal to run time

– Plank hold should be unbroken.

Skill Work

Rest, stretch, recover.

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