February is here, and it's Bring a Friend Week at CrossFit ATP. This week you can bring whoever you want for free as many times as they want to come. This is your chance to show them just how amazing the community is and how CrossFit ATP allows them to experience the grind with us! We kick things off with "Cindy" on Monday, focusing on form and foundational movements, followed by a challenging 3-set AMRAP on Tuesday to test our pacing. Throughout the week, we’ll push through a fun version of "DT" on Wednesday, a grueling bike-and-sit-up combo on Thursday, and wrap up with Open 21.1 on Friday—let’s see how far we’ve come with those Wall Walks! Don't forget that we have our double under be better challenge starting today- 2 minutes of double under practice every WEEK DAY! Let's get after it.
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
Committed Club Month 7- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
February 3rd- 8th: Bring a Friend Week- during this week you can bring as many friends as many times as you want for FREE. Come have them check out our amazing community and give them serious FOMO of what they are missing!
February 15th- 9 am: Community Ruck with Process Physical Therapy- meeting at 730 E 36th St unit 101, Charlotte, NC 28205 for a fun time of rucking together as a community. There will be no Saturday class that day.
February 28th starting at 5:30 pm- First Friday Night Lights of The CrossFit Open! - There will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options.
Whiteboard of the Day
This workout should feel like a steady grind, where partners alternate work and manage fatigue effectively. The synchro lunges will be a strategic focus, as they require both athletes to stay aligned and coordinated. Start at a controlled pace to avoid burnout early in the workout. Maintain consistency across all 40 minutes.This workout will test your ability to communicate and stay consistent for the full 40 minutes. Athletes need to be vocal with one another on when to switch and when to adjust pacing to survive. Reps do not have to split evenly.
Clean and Jerks: The weight selected should be light (-40%) where athletes could complete unbroken sets of 5+ reps back and forth. Demo and encourage the use of hook grip for all athletes (even with tiny hands). Starting feet wider than the normal “jumping position” and staying there throughout these reps will allow for faster cycling time rather than resetting the feet with each rep. Focus is on a smooth pull, catching a good 2-in dip, and transitioning right overhead.
Dumbbell Step Back Lunges: Weight should be light and allow for reps to be completed in 1-2 sets. Athletes will start from a standing position with a dumbbell held any way they choose. Athletes will step back, touching the back knee to the floor. Athletes should maintain an upright chest during the lunge. Rep is completed when athlete returns to a standing position. The synchronization happens when both partners touch their knee at the bottom. They may stand at different times, but cannot go to the next rep before both have fully locked out at the top.
Any Machine: Use what's available within the gym and what can give teams the best chance to sustain the stimulus and finish within the time frame. It is suggested that athletes keep effort around 75% and only stay on the machine for amounts that will allow them to stop before reaching burnout or heavy leg fatigue and continue that pace for roughly a 1:1 ratio of work to rest. Suggested sets of 10-15 calories for males and 8-12 calories for females. Switching off more often may result in a loss of time due to too many transitions. Ramping the machine up for an initial 4-6 seconds and coasting down to a maintenance pace for the remainder of the calories will keep teams moving efficiently. Another way to help maintain good intensity is 30 seconds back and forth, allowing both athletes to give consistent efforts within their limitations while keeping rest equal.
4.40 Challenge Workout #5
Freedom (RX'd)
Teams of 2
20:00 AMRAP
40 Clean and Jerks (95/65)
40 Synchro Single Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (50/35)
40/32 Calorie Machine
-Split C&Js and Calories as needed-
Teams of 2
20:00 AMRAP
40 Clean and Jerks (75/55)
40 Synchro Single Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (35/25)
40/32 Calorie Machine
-split C&Js and Calories as needed-
Teams of 2
20:00 AMRAP
40 Single Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (light)
40 Synchro Step Back Lunges
40/32 Calorie Machine
-split C&Js and Calories as needed-