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Coach Amanda


June 28, 2024

SATURDAY 06/29/2024

Welcome to another week of opportunity to grow inside and outside of the gym! As we continue into the dog days of summer heat, allow that to be just one more challenge you can overcome and come out stronger on the other side. Push through the discomfort knowing that each sweat-soaked session brings you closer to your goals.

That being said, please continue to hydrate well with lots of water and electrolytes this week.

We look forward to seeing each and every one of you in the gym being stronger today than yesterday.


Open Gym Times this Week | Saturday 10 am -12 pm+ Sunday 1-3 pm

Only one Saturday class @ 10 am.

Saturday July 20th- US National Whitewater Center Takeover 2 - 9 pm

Saturday August 3rd- AMRAP4Autism (let us know if you want to participate and need a partner!)

Whiteboard of the Day

This workout is dedicated to the soldiers who died during Operation Red Wings.

Complete the full run at the same time, staying together and moving at a steady pace to start the workout.

Each round of the 16-round couplet should take less than 90 seconds. One partner will complete a full round, then the other. Each partner will complete 8 rounds for 16 total.

Scale the toes-to-bars to maintain sets of 8 unbroken reps.

Reduce the box height to complete the burpee box jumps in 1 minute or less.

Split the goblet squat work however you’d like. The load should be heavy, you and your partner should be able to complete all 47 reps in under 3 minutes.

Workout of the Day


For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

16 rounds of:
8 toes-to-bars
8 burpee box jumps (20/24 in)

47 goblet squats (53/70 lb)

– Run together.
– Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
– One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.


1 set:

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