January is coming to a close this week. If you've fallen off your new year's resolutions, now is the time to get back on track. If you've stayed on course so far, CONGRATS and keep on keeping on. We are here to help you achieve those goals, whether its a certain skill, consistency in your gym schedule, nutrition, etc. Let’s push ourselves to be stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before. Together, we’ll crush our goals and make this week our best one yet!
Entering the last week for our push-up challenge, so keep getting those 20 in each day!
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
Committed Club Month 6- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
February 3rd- 8th: Bring a Friend Week- during this week you can bring as many friends as many times as you want for FREE. Come have them check out our amazing community and give them serious FOMO of what they are missing!
February 28th starting at 5:30 pm- First Friday Night Lights of The CrossFit Open! - There will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options.
Whiteboard of the Day
Today's workout focuses on a steady, consistent, moderate-fast effort. We are going from working aerobic capacity (rowing) to barbell cycling under fatigue (power snatch). The goal is to repeat sustainable efforts… not to blow out in the first 3 minutes and crawl through the rest.Maximize recovery in the remaining seconds of each interval. Focus on calming your breathing and resetting mentally before the next effort.
Row: it's important to take it easy during the first 2 rounds and gradually increase your pace. Your pacing should be moderately high (80% or higher) and consistent throughout the workout. Rest periods will be short, so it's important to remind athletes to stand up and shake out their legs to keep their hamstrings loose. Everyone should know how to efficiently get in and out of the rower to minimize lost time. Focus on your breathing and finishing your pull before going back up. Don't slow down until you've completed the distance; this can affect your average score.
Power Snatch: The weight selected should be moderately light (-60%), and athletes could hit touch-and-go reps without breaking down in the form. Demo and encourage the use of hook grip for all athletes (even if they have tiny hands). Some athletes will attempt to muscle snatch when they are fresh (or at least not pull under the bar) and will quickly burn out. Encourage athletes to pull themselves under the bar from Rep 1 and continue to maximize efficiency and decrease the total number of sets needed.
Greek Salad
Freedom (RX'd)
Every 1:00 (10:00)
200/175m Row
-rest 2:00-
Every 1:00 (10:00)
6 Power Snatch (115/80)
Every 1:00 (10:00)
175/150m Row
-rest 2:00-
Every 1:00 (10:00)
6 Power Snatch (95/65)
Every 1:00 (10:00)
150/125m Row
-rest 2:00-
Every 1:00 (10:00)
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (light)
Strength Option:
5 sets, beginning a set every 2 minutes (E2MOM10)
Level 1: 5 reps: kick up + 3-second descent + 1 strict handstand push-up
Level 2: 3-5 reps: kick up + 3-second descent + kick down reset
Level 3: 3-5 reps: 3-second descent + strict handstand push-up (knees or feet on box)
Level 4: 3-5 reps: 3-second descent + press in a banded overhead hold (for athletes who struggle with stability/inversion) or use double dumbells in a seated strict press
Conditioning Option:
10 min EMOM:
Odd minute: 3-5 Strict HSPU + 5 Kipping HSPU
Even Minute: 2-4 Wall Walks