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Coach Jerry


April 22, 2024

TUESDAY 04/23/2024

This week, anticipate growth equal to the amount of hard work you are willing to put in. Each workout is a chance to push beyond your limits and become just a little better than you were the day before. Embrace the discomfort, for within it lies the catalyst for progress. Every round, every set, has the potential to improve your own strength and fitness. So, as you step into the gym this week, lean into the opportunity for profound growth, both inside and outside of the gym.

Don't forget to fill out the member survey!

Up Coming Gym Events

Open Gym Times this Week - Saturday 8am-noon | Sunday 1-3pm
Crowders Mountain Take Over - 4/28
Memorial Day Murph 5/27

Whiteboard of the Day

Today, we have a fun gymnastics-focused workout. Plan to go for larger-volume sets at faster paces.

This might mean you’ll need to scale the push-up and/or pull-up to prioritize speed and short rest breaks.

Finish each round in 3 minutes or less with a goal to complete the pull-ups and push-ups each in no more than 4 sets.

We will spend time before the workout dialing in jump rope mechanics based on where you most need it.

Stick around for some post-workout recovery!

Workout of the Day




:15 jump rope skill practice


5 rounds for time:

20 box jump-overs (20/24 in)

20 push-ups

20 pull-ups

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