This week ENDS with our FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS of the CrossFit ATP Showdown! IF you have given into your FOMO and want to join in on the action, see Coach Amanda or Coach Jerry to be added to on of our amazing teams! Until then, we still have some awesome work to be done this week. We're diving into some exciting and varied workouts to push our limits and improve our skills. Starting with an intense Mayhem Benchmark on Monday, we’ll challenge strength and conditioning with deadlifts and handstand push-ups, followed by a moderate intensity session on Tuesday to work on pacing. Throughout the week, expect a mix of endurance, aerobic capacity, and muscle endurance work, with the Open workout on Friday serving as a surprise challenge.
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10- 12 am (we heard the feedback so we are changing it back :)
Committed Club Month 7- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. ( Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.
Saturday 3/1/25 after the 10 AM class- Open Ready Mobility with Process Physical Therapy. After our first Friday Night Lights, Dr. Cory is going to help us recover and stay ready to crush the next two weeks of workouts.
Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Overhead Strength and Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. Dr. Emily will help walk us through this common trouble point in improving some of those overhead positions and movements.
Whiteboard of the Day
Stimulus is moderate intensity across entire workout. Athletes should aim to complete work for each movement by 45-50 seconds. If athletes are going beyond this suggested time, have them modify volume.Workouts like this are great for testing our breathing, muscular endurance, and efficiency. The minute of rest is key for sustaining output across all rounds.
Wall balls: Athletes should consistently choose a weight to complete 15 reps unbroken. Athletes must pass through a full squat and then throw the ball to a 10ft target for men and a 9ft target for women. Athletes should focus on breathing with each rep (breathing out as they come out of the squat and in while at full extension), and cycling the arms so that premature arm fatigue is avoided. For athletes who have difficulty finding depth, place a wall ball on a hi-temp plate as a target to squat. Modify this movement by lowering the weight of the ball or allowing wall ball thrusters to be performed.
Air Bike: Pacing should be consistent with an aggressive-fast effort (85%+). Push hard, but don’t go all out and put yourself into a cardio deficit. Athletes should be sure to adjust the bike correctly regarding seat height and distance from the handles. Both adjustments should allow for the extension of the legs and arms but not complete lockout. Use the whole body, pushing and pulling with the arms and legs working together. Bikes respond well to a quick, fast start and then coast down to the working pace. Athletes should aim to finish the bike in under 50 seconds.
Double Unders: Athletes should aim for unbroken sets. Use today to build skill and volume. Cue athletes to keep their hands by their sides and slightly in front of their bodies to keep the rope positioned correctly. For athletes who can do double unders somewhat regularly but are still developing the skill, allow them to start with double unders each round and finish the remaining reps in singles after hitting 5+ no reps in a round. Movement can be modified to the same number of single unders. The cut-off for athletes should be under 45 seconds to keep them on pace to finish within the target time.
Kettlebell Swings: Weight should be moderate and allow for reps to be completed in 1-2 sets. Focus on big hips, breathing, and utilizing momentum to go into the next rep. Athletes will perform an American swing, ending with the bottom of the KB facing the ceiling. Cue athletes to make sure that arms are locked overhead before coming down. Stress the importance of keeping the chest up during the bottom portion of the swing to avoid excess stress on the lower back. A muscular contraction of the glutes will aid in sending the KB overhead and help prevent overextension of the lower back/hips. Modify this movement by lowering the weight or swinging to eye level. Athletes can perform a faster “snatching” style of KB swing (bending the arms during the swing) but should be aware that this places more significant stress on the biceps. The traditional style of straighter arms during the swings results in a slower cycle time but does not put extra fatigue on the upper body.
Handstand Push-ups
All Athletes:
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes complete:
Level 1: 5-7 Tempo Strict HSPU - 3 seconds down + 3 seconds up
Level 2: 5-7 Tempo Box HSPU: 3 seconds down + 3 seconds up
Level 3: 5-7 Tempo Push Ups: 3 seconds down + 3 seconds up
Level 4: 5-7 Tempo Push Ups: 3 seconds down + 3 seconds up, elevated
You should have at least 45 seconds of rest - choose your level accordingly. There is no Conditioning Option during the Open.
Freedom (RX'd)
Every 1:00 (20:00)
Min 1: 15 Wall Balls (20/14
)Min 2: 12/10 Calorie Air Bike
Min 3: 50 Double Unders
Min 4: 15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Min 5: Rest
Every 1:00 (25:00)
Min 1: 15 Wall Balls (14/10)
Min 2: 10/8 Calorie Air Bike
Min 3: 35 Double Unders
Min 4: 15 Kettlebell Swings (35/26)
Min 5: Rest
Every 1:00 (25:00)
Min 1: 10 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)
Min 2: 8/7 Calorie Air Bike
Min 3: 35 Single Unders
Min 4: 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (light)
Min 5: Rest