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CrossFit ATP


April 29, 2020

Wednesday 04/29/2020

Going Forward After May 8th

This is still a work in progress.
As many of you heave heard, yesterday the governor outlined the plan to re-open the state. On May 8 the stay at home order will be over. It has been said that gyms will not be included in phase one. So we are thinking of holding workouts in some public green space in groups less than 10. We have bought special equipment (cones and hoola hoops) that we will lay out to make sure all 9 athletes stay 7ft away from each other. These workouts will be free to all current, future, and past gym members. But since the size is limited, daily RSVPs will be required. Equipment required will be a mask (for before and after the workout), a heavy(ish) backpack and a dumbbell (some will be available). This isn't a finalized plan since the governor hasn't released a written order outlining the rules, and we are fully committed in strictly adhering to all the rules, and laws. We are even more committed to the safety and wellbeing of our community.
Stay Tuned for more info

Text & Tag us in your workout photos!

Zoom WOD Details

Zoom WOD's
12noon & 6pm

Group Video Zoom Workout will be at 12noon & 6pm

Join URL:

Meeting ID: 599-787-653

Zoom WODs may call for equipment some people do not have, text coach BEFORE 4:30pm to ask how to modify it! ALL are encouraged to participate!

Workout Of the Day

We will do all three parts on zoom together!

Warm Up

75 Jumping Jacks
10 Prone "T" Toe2Finger
10 Sampson Stretches
10 Figure 4
5 Dive Bombs
10 Slow Slow Slow Neck Circles
10 Side Lunges
10 Spiderman +Twist

Strength Of the Day

Hang Power Clean

Metcon Of the Day

This weeks WODs are programmed following CrossFit's fundamental programming principles. We will be living in couplets and triplets (two to three movements), and we will be prioritizing the athletes ability to maintain intensity. "Occam's razor"
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

10 OH DB Single Arm Walking Lunges
10 Alt DB Power Snatches (G2O)
10 Single Arm DB Front Squats

"The only easy CrossFit workout, is the workout where you're not trying"

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