Welcome to the first full week of 2025! Fallen off some of your resolutions already? Start again today. Consistency over perfection is how progress actually happens. Think about this quote from James Clear, "You’re more likely to unlock a big leap in performance by trying differently than by trying harder." If you aren't making progress like you want, it may not be a matter of effort but a matter of strategy. Your coaches here at CrossFit ATP would love to help you brainstorm how you can work towards your goals effectively and efficiently! Let's plant the seed this week for a great year ahead.
P.S. make sure you are getting your push-ups in every day!
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
Committed Club Month 6- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
January 10th - CFATP Movie Night 7 PM @ CrossFit ATP due to probable freezing temps.
January 15th - Mobility Workout with MadetoMove - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
January 19th: GenOne Volunteer Day with Ian Joyce - We have an opportunity provided by one of our members, Ian Joyce, to partner with GenOne, an amazing nonprofit that partners with talented, first generation students from underserved communities, helping them successfully navigate into and through college. We need your muscles to help assist with breaking down old desks, building new ones, and some potential landscaping. Sign up sheets will be on the whiteboard, so put your name down for a fun time of serving the community together!
Whiteboard of the Day
Athletes are building across 12:00 to a heavy 3-rep pause bench press. The pause denotes that athletes must pause at the chest for 2 seconds before pressing. The pause bench press aims to eliminate the stretch reflex (or bounce) from the end range of the press and improve the strength/ability to hold tension in the bottom position.
Today's workout has a solid mix of upper-body muscle endurance paired with moderate recovery running. Athletes should aim to attack the gymnastics while utilizing the run as the recovery station to get their shoulders back and ready for the next station. Reps and distance climb up and then work their way back down. Challenge athletes to try and mimic their pacing in the second half if it doesn’t put their body in a deficit.Be strategic on sets and know when it’s time to take a break before your shoulders give out.
Run: Whether you choose outside or Air Runner/TruForm, the pace should be moderate (75%) and only pushed if it doesn’t affect athlete's ability to perform the upper body movements. Encourage athletes to focus on a consistent breathing pattern. Scale down the distance if athletes struggle to stay under 60 seconds. Other distance running alternatives: 50 foot shuttle run (reps: 5/10/15/15/10/5) where each rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back, or Row (125/100m, 250/200m, 375/300m, 375/300m, 250/200m, 125/100m).
Strict Handstand Push ups: Athletes should attempt strict reps if they can perform 3-5 reps consistently without failing. Athletes should place some type of padding under the head for protection. For strict reps, athletes should focus on keeping their core engaged (avoid over-extension) and breathing with each rep. Breathing out on the push of each rep will help with core engagement and also prevent headaches from accidentally holding the breath. Athletes should lower their head to the ground but avoid losing tension between contact with the floor and the push out of the rep. Athletes should avoid going to failure on this movement so that they can continue performing consistent volume on each set. Modify this movement to kipping HSPU, HSPU w/ feet on a box, or double DB strict press.
Kipping Handstand Push-ups: Athletes should attempt these if they can perform a set of 5 or more kipping HSPU unbroken every time. Reps are completed on a padded, flat surface. Athletes should focus on keeping the core engaged (avoid over-extension) and breathing with each rep. Breathing out on the push of each rep will help with core engagement and prevent headaches from accidentally holding your breath. When going to the floor, cue athletes to place the head on the floor, butt on the wall, load the legs up, and kip/press. Modify this movement to HSPU with feet on the box or a double DB shoulder to overhead (50’s/35’s).
Push Ups: Athletes should approach push ups in fast, quick sets. Resting on the knees and taking tension off of the arms and upper body will help prevent fatigue from setting in due to unnecessary time under tension. Movement can be modified to pushups on the side of a box or a racked bar or floor plate press (55/45). Be sure to inform athletes that upper body fatigue in later rounds will affect their ability to perform the reps.
Pause Bench Press
Build up to a Heavy 3-rep Pause Bench Press (2-3 second pause at bottom)in 10 minutes
The Mole
Freedom (RX'd)
100m Run
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
20 Handstand Push Ups
300m Run
30 Push Ups
300m Run
20 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups
100m Run
100m Run
8 Strict Handstand Push Ups or 10 kipping HSPU
200m Run
16 Handstand Push Ups
300m Run
24 Push Ups
300m Run
16 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
8 Strict Handstand Push Ups or 10 kipping HSPU
100m Run
100m Run
10 Push Ups
200m Run
15 Bar Push Ups
300m Run
20 Dumbbell Push Press (light)
300m Run
15 Bar Push Ups
200m Run
10 Push Ups
100m Run