Thank you to everyone who came out to our first FNL of the CrossFit ATP Showdown! Whether you competed, judged, cheered people on, or just ate some Tiny Biscuit, we appreciate YOU! Can't wait to run it back again this Friday for week 2. CLT Burger Box will be with us so again bring that same HIGH ENERGY and appetite. Heats again will begin at 5:30. Be on the look out for a tip/tricks video on 25.2 from Coach Jerry and Dr. Cory Lail this Thursday. This week, the programming will challenge athletes with a mix of endurance, strength, and grit. Starting Monday, expect a high-energy triplet for upper body endurance, while Tuesday focuses on core endurance through fatigue management, and Wednesday offers a test of grit with a blend of bike calories and fast-paced couplets; the week concludes with strategic partner work on Saturday, testing pacing and coordination.
We also are kicking off our March Be Better which is the first of three months focusing on the movements of the CrossFit Total (deadlift, back squat, and strict press.) This month we are focusing on the deadlift, and will be deadlifting during class every Monday of the month. We will test our 1 RM on March 31st to see our progress over the month. Let's get after it!
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Committed Club Month 8- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
CrossFit ATP Showdown: For three Fridays in a row, there will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options. Each Friday, heats will start at 5:30.
Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6:30 pm - Overhead Strength and Mobility Workshop with Made 2 Move Physical Therapy. Dr. Emily will help walk us through this common trouble point in improving some of those overhead positions and movements.
April 12th 9:30 AM - CrossFit ATP Community Ruck
Whiteboard of the Day
Athletes will perform deadlifts at 75-80% for 5 x 3. Athletes should always view the deadlift as a push with the legs from the floor rather than a pull with the back. Doing so will allow athletes to recruit more of their lower body in this lift and be more efficient. Describe the deadlift as a standing leg press. The bar should start over the middle of the foot, and when going down for setup, athletes should bring their shins to the bar (not the bar to their shins).
Stimulus is moderate, steady intensity across. This workout is designed to tax athletes’ core with a solid leg pump sandwiched between them. Athletes should plan strategically to avoid burning out and prolonged rest periods.You will be presently surprised at how much harder core movements are when the legs are taxed. Breathing and smart, calculated breaks will be the key to survival.
V-ups: We want to try to knock these out in 3-5 sets. Don’t let athletes go until their core gives out. It is not a good way to start the workout. Athletes will start by lying on the floor with their feet together. Feet and hands must make contact with the floor. The athlete’s torso and legs must leave the ground simultaneously. Athletes will close the core and touch both hands to both feet at the same time. Feet must be together, and contact with feet/hands must occur above the level of the athlete’s head. Athletes can modify this movement by choosing a different target on their lower body other than the toes (ankles, shins, knees) without worrying about the “above head level” for contact and these modified positions.
Box Jump Over: 20in for men and women. Remind athletes to be very careful at this station and focus on being steady. Athletes can clear the box in one jump (Not recommended) or jump to the top and down to the other side. If jumping on top of the box, athletes do not have to fully extend before going down to the other side, but both feet must make contact with the top of the box if jumping on top. Pick a box height that is not intimidating to athletes so they can move consistently.
Toes to bar: Athletes should perform toes to bar if they can consistently perform 5 reps unbroken. Athletes should perform fast, quick sets to avoid burning out on this movement. For athletes who have difficulty stringing reps together, the timing from knees to elbows will allow athletes to feel the timing needed for toes to bar. Modify this movement to knees to elbow, kipping knee raise, strict knee raise, lying toes to rig, or v-ups. Aiming to complete sets of 5+ reps throughout this workout will be a solid strategy to keep them moving across rounds. Advanced athletes should try to complete in 3 sets.
Abmat Sit-ups: We want athletes to be aggressive through these for a final push. The goal should be non-stop while focusing on breathing and snapping their arms up to explode with every rep. Sit-ups are done with an abmat at the base of the back. The thicker portion of the abmat should be closer to the athlete’s body. Legs can be positioned in any fashion, but most athletes will find that using a butterfly position (feet touching) will reduce the amount of rub on the floor and reduce the risk of “strawberrying” the lower back. Athletes must touch the ground behind their head and then sit up, touching the toes and passing the shoulders in front of the hip crease. Throwing the arms during the situp portion will assist in sitting up.
5 sets
3 Deadlift (75-80%)
-complete a set every 2:00-
Freedom (RX'd)
50 V-Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (20)
50 Toes to Bar
25 Box Jump Overs (20)
50 Abmat Sit Ups
40 V-Ups
20 Box Jump Overs (20)
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jump Overs (20)
40 Abmat Sit Ups
25 Crunches
25 Box Step Ups (20/16
)25 Hanging Knee Raises
25 Box Step Ups (20/16)
25 Abmat Sit Ups