January is coming to a close this week. If you've fallen off your new year's resolutions, now is the time to get back on track. If you've stayed on course so far, CONGRATS and keep on keeping on. We are here to help you achieve those goals, whether its a certain skill, consistency in your gym schedule, nutrition, etc. Let’s push ourselves to be stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before. Together, we’ll crush our goals and make this week our best one yet!
Entering the last week for our push-up challenge, so keep getting those 20 in each day!
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
Committed Club Month 6- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
February 3rd- 8th: Bring a Friend Week- during this week you can bring as many friends as many times as you want for FREE. Come have them check out our amazing community and give them serious FOMO of what they are missing!
February 28th starting at 5:30 pm- First Friday Night Lights of The CrossFit Open! - There will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options.
Whiteboard of the Day
There are two parts. Ensure athletes understand how to change the weight on their barbells efficiently.This is a grip-intensive, moderate-to-high-intensity workout that challenges strength, stamina, and gymnastics skill. The first portion is fast-paced and more "breathy," while the second portion slows slightly, testing heavy deadlift cycling and handstand walk efficiency.This workout places heavy demand on the core and low back. Athletes should be cautious about the combination and choose their weights appropriately to avoid injury or enhanced muscle fatigue.
Deadlifts: The weight selected should be under 55% on the first set, where athletes can comfortably complete sets of 10 or more reps. For the second workout, the weight should be around 70%. At this point, the mid-line will be very fatigued, so athletes must break into smaller sets to ensure proper form is kept.. Athletes should always view the deadlift as a push with the legs from the floor rather than a pull with the back. Doing so will allow athletes to recruit more of their lower body in this lift and be more efficient. Describe the deadlift as a standing leg press. The bar should start over the middle of the foot, and athletes should bring their shins to the bar (not the bar to their shins) when going down for setup. Eyes should stay on the horizon during the entire lift, specifically staying trained on an object that is at eye level when standing tall. The upper torso (shoulders, lats, and scaps) should be locked in before driving the bar from the floor through the entire lift. A mixed grip is acceptable, but athletes should be highly cautioned to avoid accidentally pulling with the underhand grip arm because that is the most common way to pull a bicep tendon. Athletes should breathe with each rep and specifically focus on breathing in at the top of each rep because the torso is the most open (as opposed to being compressed at the bottom of the deadlift).
Kipping Handstand Push-ups: Athletes should attempt these if they can perform a set of 5 or more kipping HSPU unbroken every time. Reps are completed on a padded, flat surface. Athletes should focus on keeping the core engaged (avoid over-extension) and breathing with each rep. Breathing out on the push of each rep will help with core engagement and prevent headaches from accidentally holding your breath. When going to the floor, cue athletes to place the head on the floor, butt on the wall, load the legs up, and kip/press. Modify this movement to HSPU with feet on the box or a double DB shoulder to overhead.
Handstand Walk: Athletes should handstand walk if they can consistently demonstrate controlled, forward momentum while on their hands. The goal should be 25ft unbroken sections. When upside down, legs should be together and toes pointed to ensure maximum control. The weight should shift at the hips from hand to hand to allow athletes to pick up their hands for the next step. The athlete’s body weight should be in the mid-hand (across the upper palm), and athletes should focus on “rolling” the weight towards the fingertips with each step to maintain forward momentum. Lastly, athletes should breathe while upside down rather than taking shallow breaths or holding their breath. If an athlete comes down three times within a 25ft section, instruct them to finish the remaining distance with a bear crawl. If an athlete cannot handstand, they should seal walk for the same distance or bear crawl for double the distance
Open 20.3
For time:
Deadlifts (185/125)
Handstand Push-Ups
Deadlifts (275/185)
50ft Handstand Walk (Or 4 Wall Walks) after each set of Deadlifts
Deadlifts (185/125)
Handstand Push-Ups
Deadlifts (275/185 lb)
25ft Handstand Walk after each set of Deadlifts (or 2 Wall Walks)
Dumbbell Deadlifts (light)
Dumbbell Push Press (light)
Dumbbell Deadlifts (moderate)
50ft Bear Crawl after each set of Deadlifts
5 sets:
30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold
- rest 1 minute between sets -
5 sets:
20-30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold
- rest 1 minute between sets -
5 sets:
20-30 seconds Top of Ring Dip Hold (Toes on the ground)
- rest 1 minute between sets -
* Lower rings, so feet/toes remain in contact with the floor during the hold. Use a band wrapped around the rings and supported under the knees. Have a partner assist in holding the tight to your sides during the lockout.