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Coach Amanda


January 28, 2025

WEDNESDAY 01/29/2025

January is coming to a close this week. If you've fallen off your new year's resolutions, now is the time to get back on track. If you've stayed on course so far, CONGRATS and keep on keeping on. We are here to help you achieve those goals, whether its a certain skill, consistency in your gym schedule, nutrition, etc. Let’s push ourselves to be stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before. Together, we’ll crush our goals and make this week our best one yet!

Entering the last week for our push-up challenge, so keep getting those 20 in each day!

Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 11 am - 12 pm and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm

Committed Club Month 6- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!


February 3rd- 8th: Bring a Friend Week- during this week you can bring as many friends as many times as you want for FREE. Come have them check out our amazing community and give them serious FOMO of what they are missing!

February 28th starting at 5:30 pm- First Friday Night Lights of The CrossFit Open! - There will be a food truck, friendly competition, and so much more fun- you will NOT want to miss it. Don't let the workouts intimidate you, just like in our classes there are ALWAYS scaling options.

Whiteboard of the Day

Athletes are building across 10 minutes to a heavy 2-rep pause back squat. The pause denotes that athletes must pause below parallel for 2 seconds before standing. The pause back squat aims to eliminate the stretch-reflex (or bounce) from the end range of the squat and improve strength/ability to hold tension in the bottom position. Athletes should avoid completely relaxing at the bottom of the squat and focus on maintaining tension.

This workout combines monostructural conditioning with lower-body strength endurance. Athletes should aim for a moderate intensity with consistent pacing across rounds. Use the clock, and let’s see if we can start and finish with similar pacing.Expect quads, glutes, and lungs to feel the brunt of the workout. The transition between the bike and squats will challenge recovery and mental toughness. Embrace the discomfort; this workout is designed to burn. Push through the leg fatigue, especially in rounds 4-6.

Air Bike: Pacing should be consistent and aggressive (80%). All-out sprinting on the bike will only result in fatiguing the legs/lungs beyond repair. Start a little conservative in the first round, see how the legs feel, and then make adjustments. Slow down the final 2 calories before transitioning to the dumbbells. Athletes should adjust the bike correctly regarding seat height and distance from the handles. Both adjustments should allow for the extension of the legs and arms but not complete lockout. Use the whole body, pushing and pulling with the arms and legs working together. Air bikes respond well to a quick, fast start and then coast down to the working pace. The goal is for athletes to finish in under 45 seconds.

Dumbbell Front Squats: The weight selected should be moderately-light, where athletes can and will complete all sets unbroken. Performed with 2 dumbbells. Hands must remain in contact with dumbbells in some form at all times. Dumbbells can be placed on traps vertically or shoulders horizontally. The weight selected should allow athletes to complete squats in one set. Remember, athletes may power clean the first rep up and then begin squatting or squat clean into the first rep and then finish the remaining 9. Breathe through each rep, reach full extension/depth, and keep moving.


Pause Back Squat


Build up to a Heavy 2-rep Back Pause Squat (2-3-seconds) in 15:00



Freedom (RX'd)

6 Rounds

10/8 Calorie Air Bike

10 Dumbbell Front Squats (50s/35s)


6 Rounds

8/7 Calorie Air Bike

10 Dumbbell Front Squats (35s/25s)


6 Rounds

6/5 Calorie Air Bike

8 Single Dumbbell Front Squats (light)

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