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Coach Amanda


July 7, 2024

MONDAY 07/08/2024

As we enter a new week, let us remember consistency is the key to reaching out goals. Motivation comes and goes, but determination is a choice that we have to make every single day. Remember this month is our July push-up challenge, so don't forget to log your daily 25 push-ups every day in the "Be Better" track on the member app! Even with the busyness of summer, make sure getting in the gym is priority for your mental and physical health. Movement is power and has so many good benefits for you inside and out of the gym. Let's get after another week!


Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm and Sunday 1-3 pm

Only one Saturday class @ 10 am.

Saturday July 20th- US National Whitewater Center Takeover 2 - 9 pm

Saturday August 3rd- AMRAP4Autism (let us know if you want to participate and need a partner!)

Whiteboard of the Day

Today’s workout is a hinge-heavy couplet of dumbbell burpee deadlifts and tall box jumps!

The dumbbell burpee is exactly as it sounds: Perform a burpee with your hands on a pair of dumbbells, step or jump up into a wide or narrow stance, and stand with the dumbbells to finish the rep.

Prioritize maintaining a safe back position throughout this workout. The dumbbell burpee deadlift is a movement we don’t see often, and you’ll likely need to pay extra attention to keep a flat back throughout all reps.

Scale dumbbell load to allow for at least 10 unbroken reps in under 1 minute with sound form.

The tall box jumps will also challenge your lower back. The higher you land on the box, the more upright your back will stay, minimizing fatigue for the dumbbell burpee deadlifts. If you continually land below parallel, your lower back will fatigue significantly sooner.

Scale box height to allow you to land above parallel for the majority of the workout and finish the 10 reps in under 1 minute.

Workout of the Day


6 rounds for time of:

10 DB burpee deadlifts (35/50 lb)

10 box jumps (24/30 in)




10 Turkish get-ups/arm

– Use a single dumbbell.

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