Welcome to Thanksgiving week! We can't wait to see your faces in the gym and are so grateful for each and every one of you. We hope this is time you can be surrounded by loved ones and enjoy some delicious food. Stay active this week and continue to fuel your body for its every day needs.
In this season of giving, on December 14th, we have an opportunity provided by one of our members, Ian Joyce, to partner with GenOne, an amazing nonprofit that partners with talented, first generation students from underserved communities, helping them successfully navigate into and through college. We need your muscles to help assist with breaking down old desks, building new ones, and some potential landscaping. Sign up sheets will be in the lobby this week, so put your name down for a fun time of serving the community together!
Open Gym Times this Week | Thursday 6:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
Committed Club Month 4- Make it to 16 classes this month to earn your spot in the club + a sticker!
THANKSGIVING WEEK SCHEDULE: No afternoon classes on Wed 11/27, CLOSED Thursday 11/28, 10 AM class on Friday 11/29. Normal classes/open gym on S/Su.
December 14th: GenOne Volunteer Day with Ian Joyce
January 10th - CFATP Movie Night 7 PM - Location TBD
Whiteboard of the Day
On the strength portion, go by feel and make smooth, calculated jumps in weight early on. Slow down the pace, and weight jumps when you reach heavier weights.
Double unders: 1-3 sets is the goal across all rounds. This will be challenging as the shoulders get heavy and tired lungs will make jumping much more difficult.
Bench press: The selected weight should be around 60% (or less) of 1RM, allowing you to perform the 10 reps unbroken.
Workout of the Day
Build up to a heavy complex
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats
*every 2 minutes
Grateful, Thankful, Blessed
Every 3:00 (5 sets)
75 Double Unders
10 Bench Press (155/95)