This week, let's all take a moment to remember the importance of proper nutrition, consistency, and focusing on technique. Fueling our bodies with the right nutrients will give us the energy we need to push through these tough workouts. Consistency is key in our training, showing up day after day is what will ultimately lead to progress and results. And let's not forget about the importance of perfecting our movements and techniques - it's not about how much weight we can lift, but how well we can move it. Let's all strive to be the best version of ourselves this week, both inside and outside of the gym. Let's crush our goals and push our limits - LET’S GO!
New T-Shirts have arrived! Pre-orders are waiting for you in the lobby. There are more available for purchase at the gym.
Up Coming Gym Events
Open Gym Times this Week - Saturday 8am-noon | Sunday 1-3pm
CFATP Yoga | 5/22
Memorial Day Murph | 5/27
Whiteboard of the Day
Today, we have a fun ascending ladder combination of toes-to-bars and wall walks.
Shoot to get into the 6th round or further; advanced athletes should push to make it to the 8th round.
Choose scaling options as needed that allow you to meet the stimulus for each of these movements.
During the warm-up, we’ll prioritize toes-to-bar kip rhythm efficiency and wall walk speed.
We will also spend time before the workout practicing freestanding handstands or some variation that challenges your ability level.
Be sure to stick around after the workout for some extra shoulder recovery time.
Workout of the Day
On a 10:00 clock:
Freestanding handstand practice
3-6-9-12… etc.
1-2-3-4… etc.
Wall walks