Friday Night Lights (FNL) is the most fun you will have working out all year, there are levels of workouts for everyone and everyone always agrees it is FUN!
Up Coming Gym Events
Feb 10th
Game Night @ CrossFit ATP
Feb 24th
Ladies Of ATP Brunch
Whiteboard of the Day
- This classic CrossFit Benchmark was last tested on Aug 8th, 2022.
- This workout is a lower-volume, high-skill pairing that feels manageable through the round of 9 but gets more difficult in rounds of 7 and 5.
- Prioritize preserving movement complexity over going for a heavier snatch load.
- Reduce muscle-up volume to as low as 4-3-2 if you can perform 2 unbroken reps in the warm-up.
- Scale to chest-to-ring pull-ups or low ring transitions to work the muscle-up skill.
- If you can perform a squat snatch with an empty barbell or PVC, that is preferable to a heavier load and a power snatch. Reduce load as much as needed to practice the squat snatch.
Accessory Of the Day
Partner Med Ball Balance Pass Drills
Metcon Of the Day
For time:
Squat snatches (95/135 lb)